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Retirement Is Just Around the Corner.  Edge Retail Academy Omaha, NE Retirement Is Just Around the Corner.  Edge Retail Academy Omaha, NE

Retirement Is Just Around the Corner.


are you approaching retirement?
is your business “retirement ready”?

We know that 37% of jewelry owners have no retirement plan at all ...many just hope their exit works itself out. But we all know that ‘hope’ is not a strategy, but becoming ‘retirement ready’ is.

what does “retirement ready“ mean?

Getting your business into the best possible shape before you decide what to do with what we call Retirement Readiness.

Whether you decide to sell the business, transition it to family members, or close it down, doesn’t it make sense that the business is in the best possible condition when the time comes?

And whether you’re committed to retiring in the next 12 to 24 months or you’re ready to start planning your retirement in the next 2 to 5 years or even 10 years, the time to become “retirement ready” is before you’re ready to retire.

introducing the “Retirement Readiness” Model

Edge Retail Academy (ERA) has developed this unique program to fast track your business to Retirement Readiness. You will work with an ERA Business Advisor who will become an integral part of your business. The advisor works from the ERA Retirement Playbook which addresses key retirement contributors such as:

  • Improves your existing Net Profit and Cash-flow by introducing other profit centers that the chain stores use to significantly add to their net profit
  • Maximizes the capital and/or income you have available for your retirement by reviewing ways to reduce debt and/or create wealth
  • Identifies savings, improvements, opportunities and reduce any risks and threats to your plans
  • Implements the ‘5 Stages of Profitable Inventory Management
  • Builds a top performing team
  • Transitions the store to operate profitably without you having to be there.

expert supervision included!

In addition, your retirement readiness program will be supervised by two experts in the jewelry retirement business: Edge Retail Academy president David Brown and CA Mark Kippenberger.

David Brown Co-Founder and President Edge Retail Academy Omaha, NE
David Brown

Co-Founder and President

Mark Kippenberger Financial Analyist and Succession Planner Edge Retail Academy Omaha, NE
Mark Kippenberger

Financial Analyist and Succession Planner

the Edge Retail Academy retirement readiness model is not for all jewelers

For us to be most effective, we look for the following in our clients:
  • You must have an open mind and be willing to do things differently
  • You must implement the strategies or at least allow them to be implemented
  • You will need The Edge Retail Management Software
In addition, we only have a limited number of available slots to qualified business owners. We expect these openings in the program to fill quickly.

ready to learn more?

If you like the idea of becoming ‘retirement ready’ and enhancing your ability to choose when and how you retire, watch these extended videos from David Brown and Mark Kippenberger that will overview this unique program.

As part of our process to confirm you are right for this program, we request you participate in a short Retirement Assessment program. We’ll collect some information about your goals and your store’s financials; we’ll then provide some guidance about what you may want to do next.

do you have questions or want to sign up for the Assessment?

Contact Becka Johnson Kibby
or 714-925-2456.

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